Download one or more of our FREE half marathon and \ or 5K training plans to get to the start line ready to conquer the day! There are five different plans, one for every skill level, from walker to advanced runner. Where to start? Look at the plan that most closely resembles your CURRENT running \ walking. Choosing a plan that is too difficult and you may injure yourself on the way to the start line. Choose a plan that is too easy and you may be leaving something out on the course. Time to give it your all!
Fort2Base Half Marathon Walk Training Plan
Fort2Base Half Marathon Walk – Run Training Plan
Fort2Base Half Marathon New Runner Training Plan
Fort2Base Half Marathon Intermediate Runner Training Plan
Fort2Base Half Marathon Advanced Runner Training Plan
Fort2Base 5K Walk Training Plan
Fort2Base Run – Walk Training Plan
Fort2Base New Runner Training Plan
Fort2Base Intermediate Runner Training Plan
Fort2Base Advanced Runner Training Plan